> Question: Why doesn't the PHP community support using an Hungarian  
> style of programming if it prevents errors?? I've gotten too darn many

Haven't really seen this one flamed over on this list before, but maybe
someone will step in an freak out later on. At any rate, you make the
assumption here that Hungarian notation somehow inherently prevents
errors. This is believed by some to be true, and by others, to be false.
Hungarian notation does provide a set of tools for helping to prevent
errors, true--but any proper coding convention does that. Past that,
there is little to choose between them except personal preference.

I think that part of the problem is that many PHP developers come to
programming from the largely self-taught web community (not that there
is anything wrong with that). They have never programmed before (doing
HTML and CSS is NOT programming) and probably have scant little
experience with using databases. Therefore these folks have missed a lot
of what experienced and learned programmers know and do. (See my
previous rants on planning, documentation, modeling, flowcharting, etc.)

These things all become especially important when you have multiple
code-jockeys working the same project. You have to have checks and
balances. Stating the notation style is one check, confirming at the end
of the day that the variables contain what you expect them to at every
step is another. It takes us a couple of extra steps to generate
accountability for these things in PHP because variables are not
strongly typed, but we have come up with methods to handle this. 

I think that it is incumbent upon those of us who have these "best
practices" in place to encourage and educate those who do not. 


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