
Thursday, June 12, 2003, 5:19:00 AM, you wrote:
MW> Hello all:

MW> I have searched the archives, and although I know this is probably there can
MW> not find it.  I'm probably just not searching for the right subject.  Here
MW> is what I am looking for.

MW> I have a table with Location and Hotel, and another one with Hotel and
MW> Accommodations.  I need to generate the first drop down box with locations.
MW> Then when you select a location it will place the corresponding hotels in
MW> another drop down, when you select the hotel it will do the accommodations.

MW> What I am looking for is if anyone has a sample or any information how to do
MW> the drop downs that update themselves.  If I can get a sample for one I'm
MW> sure I can figure the rest out.

MW> As always, thank you for all your help.

MW> Mike Walth
MW> CinoFusion

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