On Jun 14, 2003, "olinux" claimed that:

|--- electroteque <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|> hi there , i am about to build a shopping cart which
|> will interact with a
|> paypal payment system , the cart will use sessions
|> to store the items and
|> basket information before checking out and posting
|> to the paypal form , what
|> i'd like to know is would the cart require a login
|> system to track users and
|> to prevent ppl from making dodgy orders ,
|if pure simplicity is a goal, i dont think you need a
|login for customers. who cares if they add items and
|then dont purchase. obviously they would not be able
|to log in again to see the previous orders or current
|order status but you could always implement later.

Actually, to be more simple, for paypal paying customers, I would use
paypal's buy it now buttons. Let them deal with the shopping carts and

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