I think what you really want to do is place your downloadable files in a 
directory that is not in your httpd's document root and use a password 
protected PHP script to access these files and send them to the user after 
authentication. I think you could accomplish this with the fpassthru() 
function and the correct header. htaccess is just going to get in your way.

 $fp=fopen($filename, "rb"); 
 header( "Content-type: image/jpeg\nContent-Disposition: inline; 
filename=\"mypic.jpg\"\nContent-length: ".(string)(filesize($filename)) ); 

You've got to make sure that the user that your httpd runs as has permission 
to access /path/to/directory/not/in/httpd/doc/root/


On Sunday 15 June 2003 10:32 am, Peter Berglund wrote:
> ok, I change my question, how do I protect downloadable files from users
> that are not valid?
> without the use of htaccess?
> "Peter Berglund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i meddelandet
> > I want to send user and password from php to a protected directory.
> > For example: If I go directly to the directory I get a popup to enter
> > user and password, the normallt way.
> >
> > But if I go through a php-script that checks if I'm a valid user from a
> > database I will get access to the folder.
> >
> > So i need a way to send user/password from php to the .htaccess file.

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