I installed v-webmail on the PHP engine to enable web mail client access.
Every installation step was going well. But, I found a problem when the
application was using for awhile. My webmail can display the login page, but
when I entered login/password and press submit. I got an error display that
'can't find server' and there was no PHP error displaying. But, there was a
'Exit segmentation fault (11)" error in httpd log file, everytime I press
submit button in login page.  I tried to put a debug line to determine the
statement that cause the error, but very difficult to do.

Does PHP has any directive or command to debug a code or print all
success/unsuccess line execution. I can't modify php.ini or httpd.conf,
because that server is not mine (I use a hosting service from ISP).

Thanks in advance,
Skon L.

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