Jason Wong wrote:
On Wednesday 18 June 2003 18:27, Neil wrote:

I am trying to strip all HTML and other tags from a document, I have
read the docs and written a 4 line script that should do the job (from
my point of view ! ). However it seems to have literally no effect.

Heres the script :

<? $file=readfile("http://namx.co.uk/webstats/";);

$file is an array ...

if (!($string = strip_tags($file))) print "<br> error ! <br>";
$strings = strtolower($string);

.. you're trying to perform string ops on an array.

Normally if you to to print() an array, you get "Array" returned.
This is not the case, I know that file() returns arrays, but i think readfile() returns a string.

any other ideas ?


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