OK, this is the URL that my code produces after it get's the my_var from
the mysql table.
my_var in the table is => whatever whatever  "whatever whatever"

So I do a select and I do a $my_var = $myrow['my_var'] (after all the
proper mumbo jumbo about the $myrow = mysql_fetc_assoc...etc.)

I then do a $my_var = addslashes($my_var)as well as $my_var =
 Then I simply create a link like so:

echo '<a href="page.php?my_var='.$my_var.'&next_var=blabla">link</a>';

Clicking on that link displays exactly the following in the browser's
URL location:


And now, on page.php

If I do an 

echo stripslashes($my_var);

I get exactly this:

whatever whatever \

What am I missing?

On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 11:18, Chris Hayes wrote:
> >IN a mysql db, I would have a name like :[  whatever "whatever"  ]
> >
> >I do a select on the table and then echo the name on a page, as well as
> >add it to a url:
> >
> >page.php?myvar=$myvar
> >
> >where $myvar contains the [ whatever "whatever" ]
> >
> >Now, when I try to echo $myvar on the page.php, I don't get the entire
> >story.
> >
> >I tried to addslashes() before the url line, I tried urlencode() and
> >htmlspecialchars, all causes an echo  of $myvar on the page.php page to
> >only display whatever , or, whatever \ but NEVER, whatever "whatever"
> What does your link in which 'whatever' is look like ?
> How do you test to see what is in the variable?
> This does the job for me:
> <?PHP
> if ($_GET['x']=='')
> {$i='whatever "Whatever"';
> echo '<a href="get.php?x='.urlencode($i).'">link</a>';
> }
> else
> echo 'x is '.urldecode($_GET['x']);
> ?>
> and the url looks like:http://www.XXXXX.nl/get.php?x=whatever+%22Whatever%22

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