
This is a reply to an e-mail that you wrote on Fri, 20 Jun 2003 at 01:40,
lines prefixed by '>' were originally written by you.
> Hi,
> safe mode on and mass mailing wished. I know that it's not possible to
> set
> the time limit, when safe mode is on. Sure mass mailing using mail
> function
> takes longer than default execution time of the script. My codes
> should be
> portable, that why modification of php.ini is not an option. The users
> shouldn't be experinced and authorized to do this. In brief, I have to
> find
> a solution without a need to work in shell.
> So, due to my theoratical knowledge it seems to be a solution, to
> queue the
> mails to sendmail by using popen. Is it true? Or what could be your
> suggestion for this issue.
> Thanks in advance,
> Senih

You could only send a certain amount of e-mails on each execution and use
a meta-refresh to continually call the script. I do this on one site and
also display a progress bar that updates on each refresh which is a bit
better for the end user rather than have them staring at nothing until
eventually all the mails have sent.

All the best,


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