On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 17:07, Kyle Babich wrote:
> I have a file, current.txt, that at the start has only the digit 1 in it.  Here is 
> my code:

Hi there,

> $current = readfile('setupData/current.txt');

This will cause $current to contain the number of bytes read from the
file, not the contents of the file.


Instead, use fopen()/fread(); or file()/implode(); or if you have PHP
4.3.x or newer, use file_get_contents().


> foreach ($HTTP_POST_VARS as $index => $value) {
>       $index = $HTTP_POST_VARS['$index'];
> }

This will do two things you probably don't want: first, it will
repeatedly assign values to $index, overwriting it on each iteration;
and, it will always use the same value to do so, since
$HTTP_POST_VARS['$index'] has the single-quotes, which prevents PHP
from interpreting the contents of $index--so it's literally using the
string value '$index' instead of the value of the $index variable. You
probably want variable variables:

    $$index = $HTTP_POST_VARS[$index];

...although even easier would be:

    $$index = $value;



> Thanks,
> --
> Kyle

Hope this helps,


 Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                        +1.604.709.0506
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