On Wed, 28 May 2003 10:23:22 -0500, Wendell Brown wrote:

>To force all of the pages (both pseudo-static and dynamic) to generate
>a "Last-Modified" header, I set up prepend.php script which is
>configured as a directory level (.htaccess) parm to auto_prepend_file.

As appears to be the usual case with php, I have found that I was doing
things the HARD way.  While an auto_prepend will work, there is a
Apache specific ini setting that will turn on automatic generation of
the Last-Modified AND ETAG headers!  If you change the default value
for "last_modified" to on in your php.in or add the following to your
.htaccess file, php will generate both a default Last-Modified header

php_flag last_modified on

Anyone care to comment on whether or not there is a down side to having
an etag on a dynamic page related to search engines (or caches for that

Here is the link - NOTE that the docs do NOT mention the ETAG, but my
testing is that this ini change also enables that functionality as


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