Dear Gurus:

I am trying to use javascript with my php code to output data onChange.
I have read the archives and know that because javascript is client side
and php is server side I cannot interact natively on the page except to
pass the variables through an http request.  Here is what I have done
based on what I have read in the archives etc.:

<script language="javascript">
   function setboo() {

   var boo = <?php echo $boo ?>;
   var dsc = <?php echo $dsc ?>;
   var sz = <?php echo $sz ?>;
   var prc = <?php echo $prc ?>;

$boo is set to 0 within the php code and I am setting it to one with the
javascript because I thought I could then use an if statement:

//here is where boo gets set to one
echo "<td width=\"100\" align=\"left\"><select name=\"catalog_id\"
this is the html code for the document.forms <input type="hidden"
name="boo" value="1"> 

so what is supposed to happen here is the user selects a product by its
id number and presto - the rest of the information will be written to
the fields along side (I wish):

//here is the if statement
 if ($boo == '1') {
echo "<td width=\"350\" align=\"left\"><input type=\"text\"
name=\"description\" onChange=\"javascript:
document.write(dsc)\"></td>"; }

where $dsc is set equal to an array element read in from a database in
the php code.  Now I KNOW I have got things MAJORLY confused here - but
the more I read the more wrapped up I seem to get so if there a way to
pull this off and someone knows - I would appreciate your help



Nicole Lallande

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