hi steven,

i don't know the rft-file-syntax, but i would start here. if you find out,
how the page break is defined, you could splitt the whole file by that.

but i assume, that works only on manual page-breaks. and like other
text-files (i.e. .txt or .doc) the page-break is done by the progamm that
opens the file. in that case, maybe a splitt by chapter or by a special
amount of lines would be a start?

ciao SVEN

Steven wrote:
> I need some advice on how to go about importing rtf files page by page
> seperatly into a mysql database, or some way  that can read a file and
> break each page into page sized sections, maybe an array, that i could
> then import to a database.
> The rtf files are mostly about '7mb' in size, and contain anything
> upto 200 pages, and need to be imported by :
> id, filename, page_number , page_content.
> I can read whole file into a data table, but that doesnt split the
> file page by page.
> Has anyone any suggestion to how this can be accomplished,
> Steven

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