On Sat, 2003-06-28 at 23:27, Beauford.2005 wrote:
> I hope someone can put this to rest for good, cause this is just
> bullshit. Every time I try to do something using any thing other than
> the root directory of my website - I get these stupid path problems. 
> Here is the problem this time. First off I am not using frames (if it
> matters) and this particular site is on Windows 2000. The website
> resides in d:\Apache\htdocs\supreme and in this directory I have a .js
> file for my drop-down menu - there is also another file which I am
> including using the php include directive called menu.inc. The graphics
> for the menu are in a directory called images. When I go to the main
> page of the site everything is great, but as soon as I try to get the
> menu to work from another directory it can't find the graphics.
> I have tried d:\Apache\htdocs\supreme\image.gif.
> I have tried http://www.mysite.com/images/image.gif.
> I have tried ../file.js (this is to load the menu)
> I have even tried putting menu.inc in my php include directory. 
> You get the picture - but no matter what I try it just doesn't work. I
> mean really - is this that hard to figure out. Like this is every time I
> work on a site I get these path problems. Am I just not getting
> something here. 
> Other than putting everything in the root directory (which I don't want
> to do) I have no idea how to solve this. It just gives me a headache.

Try escaping your paths with double slashes, ie,
d:\\Apache\\htdocs\\supreme\\image.gif or

might work.

Andrew McCombe

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