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-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Morton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 4:03 PM
Subject: [PHP] Setting Cookie Going Nuts

I am trying to issue a cookie, using the set cookie directive, and it is
not working for some reason.  The code below I have used before with
perfect success.  The only difference between the other place that I am
using it is that the other place has globals on, this server has globals
off (tho I turned them on a and it made no difference), and the other
server is running 4.3.2 where this one is 4.3.0

I am sure that it is something small that I missed when copying the code
over, but I cannot for the life of me see what it is.  The only other
difference is the other server is using a domain name, while the server
this code is on is an IP address only (that should not make a difference

Why is the cookie not being isseued?  I am going nuts trying to figure
this out!

$ADMIN_COOKIE_NAME="scavengeradmin"; //name of the issuing cookie
$COOKIE_EXPIRY=1800; //time in seconds to expiry

function adminCookie() {
    //check to see if a cookie exists already.

    //if there is no cookieid - then we are going to set a cookie.
    if(strlen($cookieid) < 1) {
        //find a unique value.
        list($msec,$sec)=explode(" ",microtime());
        //set expiry - 30 mins from now.
    } else {
        //if the cookie has been set then we are just going to adjust
the expiry date.
        //set expiry - 30 mins from now.

adminCookie(); //issue the cookie


Mike Morton

* Tel: 905-465-1263

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