On Sunday, July 6, 2003, 7:26:06 PM, Kevin wrote:

KF> and now.. if in one cell i have for example... "John Matheus"

KF> when i do the query i have to put exactly john matheus to find it...
KF> is there any way to just write jo and search in every cell that contains
KF> those words?

try this SELECT * FROM table WHERE name = jo%

KF> example... i have  1 column with 5 rows each 6 numbers inside :
KF> 821554
KF> 821674
KF> 818937
KF> 819378
KF> 818977

KF> and i want to query and show onmy begining with 821*

SELECT * FROM table WHERE number > 821000

Burhan Khalid

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