At 19:18 7-7-2003, you wrote:
I am using the following if statement ...

if (isset($theme)) {
  print("Current theme is $theme");
  require "content/header_$theme.php";
} else {
  require "content/header.php";

now one would think that if it didn't return true that the else
statement wouldn't print anything for $theme ... but it does. Also if I
use !isset it returns true with a null value for $theme ... This doesn't
make sense to me ... maybee I am doing something wrong, if I am someone
please correct me heh.
If i use this bit of  code it acts as you and I expect.
So there may be something in the previous code that is acting up here.

Do you see any value in $theme when you do echo "[$theme]"; ? Spaces should show up this way.

Are you working for a CMS? If so, which one? (i ask because i know the nukes family uses $theme)

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