> As to which is faster is does not really matter as the speed of echo
> print and heredoc is dictated by the connection speed to the
> requesting client. If this is a factor in your overall operation you
> can use output buffering to save the contents and output them at the end of
> your script.

Although really, heredoc can't be compared to either
echo or print, as it's just a string definition that
eventually will be printed.  So I guess you guys are
really comparing "" vs heredoc?  And I agree that any
speed difference (if there is one) isn't a good reason
to choose when readablity may suffer.  So it all
depends on the situation, and the programmer.

> btw what would be nice is a print_raw command that does no
> parsing just sends the stuff :)
> (Would be good for template systems where you know there is no php
> hidden in there.) ... might gain a couple of micro seconds

I believe this is called "breaking out of PHP mode
and into HTML mode", which can be done anywhere, at
any time.


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