on Tue, Jul 8, 2003, David Otton wrote:

>>> Hello, i need a function that gets a internal file say news.php, and
>>> the urls from its copied location,
>>> say if i am in
>>> /pages/
>>> and i need a file from
>>> /pages/php/wow
>>> i put
>>> include('php/wow/news.php')
>>> But the news.php file needs a file in the /php/wow directory called
>>> news.inc.php
>>> how can the php copy every thing accross so a error is not shown
>>> so the
>>> script could read
>>> include('php/wow/news.php', point_links_to('php/wow/')
>Wow. That was.. slightly confusing. I /think/ that the include_path
>directive in php.ini may help you.

You can set the include_path to have multiple directories by separating
each path with a colon.

If you are using Apache, you could also use .htaccess files to override
the default config or you could add a directive in the htppd.conf file,
such as :

<IfModule mod_php4.c>
  php_value include_path "/usr/local/lib/php/:/pages/php/wow/"


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