I fooled with this sort of thing a long time ago, I
believe I found out it was completely possible so long
as you get the song broken buffering according
to what shoutcast expects to recieve or something similar
to this.

On Mon, 2003-07-07 at 23:51, Simon Fredriksson wrote:
> Hello World!
> I'm interested in starting a project to broadcast music via PHP to a 
> ShoutCAST DNAS. I'm wondering, is it possible to do this? I've searched 
> around for good tools to broadcast but none supports my needs. As for 
> now I'm using PHP 4.3.2 under Linux and Windows. I want this to be a 
> cross platform thing.
> I've been looking a bit at Java and C++ but so far I'm not very good 
> with these languages.
> Any thougts/comments about this would be nice if you shared.
> //Simon
Linux/Unix Network Administrator
The Cryptocomm Group

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