On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 07:21, Steve Jackson wrote:
> If I set permissions of my server root to chmod 777 that's a security
> risk right?
> How do I set my server to allow me to write a file to my web root from
> another directory using PHP? Or is it a Unix problem?
> I have a generator file writes a string to a text file and then renames
> the text file as a PHP file however it occurred to me while I was doing
> this that chmod 777 the root might not be a good idea.
> Anyone have a simple fix or idea for this?

Change the ownership on the directory to whichever user apache is
running as (this is the User directive in your httpd.conf file). Then
you can restrict the permissions on that directory. You could probably
make it 600 if you want.


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