John wrote:
I need to match a pattern, not in a single-line but from a HTML page, which
obviously has loads of lines. I need to match 2 lines from this HTML page:
1) <HTML><TITLE>FirstVariable - Second Variable</TITLE></HTML>........
2) <TABLE><TD><TR>(newline)

I tried this code:
1) preg_match("/<HTML><TITLE>(\S+) - (\S+)</TITLE></HTML>/", $html_page,
2) preg_match("/<TABLE><TD><TR>\n(\S+)</TR></TD></TABLE>/", $html_page,

The first 2 variables are matched into the $variables array but not the
third one. Sometimes when the third one is matched, it starts from where I
want it to start but takes all the text to the end of the HTML document!

Your "newline" may be \r\n or \r instead of just \n.

---John Holmes...

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