
This is a reply to an e-mail that you wrote on Thu, 17 Jul 2003 at 14:04, lines
prefixed by '>' were originally written by you.
> Ok, this is what I want to do.  I would like to parse a mailbox and
> forward
> the returned mail in it to other users.  For instance, if I send an
> e-mail
> to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" doesn't exist it is
> going
> to send the return to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".  I want to parse
> send the e-mail to whoever is in the "Disposition-Notification-To"
> header of
> the e-mail.  Anyone know where I can find a good script to parse mail
> boxes
> or maybe give me an idea of where to start?  I checked hotscripts and
> some
> others but they are complete web based e-mail systems.  I'd like to
> run this
> as a cron job if possible and I don't want to tear another system all
> apart

If you have the imap php extensions installed you could use them (they support
POP too) I normally work on systems without the imap enxtensions though so I
chose to make my own class to deal with POP3 related tasks.  Here are some
snippets that you may find useful...

class POPClient {


    function Connect(){
        // connect to server
        if(!$this->[EMAIL PROTECTED]($this->server, $this->port)){
            $this->error = "Could not connect to
            return FALSE;
        // login to server:
        fputs($this->sock, "USER {$this->user}\r\n");
        $buf = fgets($this->sock, 1024);
        if($buf[0] != '+'){
            $this->error = "Invalid username: {$this->user}";
            return FALSE;
        fputs($this->sock, "PASS {$this->pass}\r\n");
        $buf = fgets($this->sock, 1024);
        if($buf[0] != '+') {
            $this->error = "Invalid password";
            return FALSE;
        $this->connected = TRUE;
        return TRUE;


    function MessageCount(){
            fputs($this->sock, "STAT\r\n");
            $buf = fgets($this->sock, 1024);
            $buf = fgets($this->sock, 1024);
            $statbits = split(' ', $buf, 3);
                return $statbits[1];
            } else {
                return 0;
        } else {
            $this->error = "Not connected to server";
            return FALSE;


    function RetrieveMsg($id, $headonly=FALSE){
            if($headonly){ $command="TOP"; $param=" 0"; } else {
$command="RETR"; $param=""; }
            fputs($this->sock, "$command $id$param\r\n");
            $buf = fgets($this->sock, 1024);
            if($buf[0] != '+') {
                $this->error = "Mail server would not let me retrieve message
                return FALSE;
            while ($thisline!=".\r\n"){ // .\r\n signifies the end of the
                $thisline = fgets($this->sock, 1024);
                $this->messagesource .= $thisline;
            return TRUE;
        } else {
            $this->error = "Not connected to server";
            return FALSE;



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