On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 04:08:35AM +0500, Haseeb wrote:
>i like keeping all the functions in one file and the
>    include the file whenever i need any function.
>some programmer that prefer to use only one file as front end and place
>    switch or if conditions and include other files depending on the condition.
>divide the functions into files. and then include only that file
>    that has the function.

I do a little of all three, myself.  But, it depends on the project.

If the project is small enough, a single function file will do.  I start
to segregate functions by category when I see logical divisions between
the functions.  (I.e. billing things, statistical things, etc.)  Then I
choose which function libaries to call based on whatever criteria I have
on hand -- usually user input.

Often it's simpler than that -- a project could have a "billing.php"
script that calls "functions-billing.php", and "stats.php" that calls
"functions-stats.php".  And if a particular billing function wants to
use something out of stats, it can simply include that library.

Another thing I've done from time to time (though I wouldn't recommend
it) is name your function library after a variable that's used to denote
the part of the program you're running in.  For example:

  if (ereg('^[a-z]+$',$sect)) @include("functions-" . $sect . ".php");

That way, you're basing your include on something that you're already
managing, perhaps as a form or session variable.  YMMV.  Don't forget to
do your sanity checking.  This method may be prone to security problems.

  Paul Chvostek                                             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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