* Thus wrote James Hatridge ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Hi all..
> I've got a search page written for my web site. I can find the html page I 
> want by keyword. Now I need to get the title of that page in to a variable. 
> In other words I have a file name, for example Summerbulletin.html. I now 
> need to get the line "<title> Summer 2003 </title>" in to a variable. How do 
> I tell html or PHP what I want? (I hope that I am understandable, I'm still 
> new at this. )
> Right now I output the search results in to a chart that shows 
> "Summerbulletin.html". What I would like to show is "Summer 2003". 

preg_match('#\<title\>(.*)\</title\>#im', $text, $matches):

"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

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