* Thus wrote Joe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I have just started to learn php and written a php to list the files. But
> there is a problem, seen the is_dir() function can't work on remote files.
> Therefore, it couldn't check the filetype of subdirectories.
> Would anyone tell me what should I do.
> Thx a lot

Please dont attatch* your php file and expect us to read your code
figure out what you want to do then tell you what to do.

Explain what you are trying to do, and if needed give us small (10
or so lines timed down to do the task) sample of how you go about
it.  Your success rate in getting help will be much higher.

*Your file was not attatched properly, please attach file properly
if and when needed.

"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

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