> Hit to all, i have a Sun cobalt Raq 550, with php 4.1 as a module with
> apache 1.3
> The load average of my server is ever above 0.20 to 0.60 whith the same
> users
> When i turn off register globals and turn on safe mode in php.ini and
> restart the apache daemon to take the changes, the load averge is ever 0.90
> to 1.20

Have you tried toggling each one seperatly to see which one is
causing the overhead. My bet would be the safe_mode since it has
extra work to do.

If that is the case safe_mode is VERY expensive, or something is
wrong. I hope (nothing personal) that there is something wrong with
your php scripts, because that is too high of a price to pay for

"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

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