If you have to move to Windows, at least use Apache. I note in my server access logs on my Windows test machine that people are trying to hack in every day and I have a very obscure site just to test my own clients' web apps. It always looks like some kind of super long url trying to do some kind of vbscript or something. Apache of course just spits it right out. I can't even IMAGINE having a real IIS machine open to the internet for a real site. Its just not done. Don't let them, you are their last hope; they know not what they do!

Which opens to the notion that Apache isn't really meant for windows, and Linux or OS X or BSD or ANY unix is simply more stable and secure. It makes business sense to use them because over the long haul you are going to spend less time cleaning up after hackers, less time cleaning up after crashes, etc. It is pure lunacy to go from a successful linux site to a windows IIS site. It will not be as successful.

That said, with my low volume site, apache on windows server 2003 and even win XP professional have run very nicely. That might be a nice compromise for them.


Jim McNeely
Envision Data
Custom, intuitive, practical software for your business.

On Wednesday, July 23, 2003, at 02:13 PM, Chris W. Parker wrote:

Chris Shiflett <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 8:27 AM said:

...the Gartner
Group (suits typically respect their opinion) has recommended that it
not be used in production


If you receive pressure to move away from Linux (a server OS) to
Windows (a desktop OS) for use as a server

References? AFAIK, this is not true.

Win2k server and up (advanced server, datacenter server) are meant for
high availability, especially datacenter server.


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