On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 15:04, John Manko wrote:
> I just wrote a web app, but I'm completely disgusted with PHP.  The 
> application works great, but PHP is not smart enough to know what data 
> belongs in my database.  Really, I have to enter the stuff in myself.  I 
> spent 2 long days writing this (sweating and crying), and you mean to 
> tell me that it doesn't auto-populate my database information?  Come on, 
> people!  Data entry is the thing of the past!  Maybe I'll convert my 
> codebase to COBOL or something. At least, it has proven experience with 
> user data!  Sometimes I wonder how long this "innovative" technology 
> will last when there are incompetent languages like PHP, Perl, and 
> Java.  Color me disappointed.
> John Manko
> IT Professional

I'm not sure what you mean that PHP should automatically know what goes
into the database, but if you post a detailed description of the
problem you're facing, chances are that someone (or several someones,
more likely) will provide suggestion to help you out.

Feel free to post details if you would like a hand with it.

 Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                        +1.604.709.0506
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