Ow Mun Heng wrote:

        I have this problem, which could easily be solved through a name
change but I would like to learn more.

There's a table set up from a MySQL query like this

row1)   Eval #  Title           # Heads         My Findings
row2)   P1000           Title1    6                     This is my findings
row3)   P1223           Eg 2              3                     2nd findings

row1 is the header columns, the title names are derived from sql statement
executed as SELECT eval_no as "Eval #" etc..

row1 is also set up such that if the user clicks the link, it will trigger a
SQL comand to sort it.

The problem here is the '#' sign/key. spaces are no problem. the
$_GET['sort'] is not able to get the whole field, as such "Eval #" can only
be recognised as "Eval" and thus sql is not able to sort it.
This is how the link looks like

The string with the # character needs to be run through urlencode() or rawurlencode(). The # character is making your browser look for a bookmark named "&dir=ASC" on the view_set_tracker.php page.

It would probably be better to pass the actual column names instead of the alias.

---John Holmes...

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