I just had to turn on MultiViews in my directory options...


Jeff Harris wrote:
On Jul 7, 2003, "Heiko Mundle" claimed that:

|I try to use PHP and Apache on both Linux (SuSE 8.1) and Windows (2K).
|On Linux I can access the PHP scripts without adding the .php extension.
|But on Windows it doesn't work (page not found - HTTP 404)
|How do I switch on 'adding .php' on windows? Does it run on windows too?
|What is responsible for that functionality, Apache/PHP?
|Which module or directive?
|My system:
|SuSE Linux 8.1 - PHP 4.2.2 - Apache/1.3.26
|Windows 2000 - PHP 4.2.3 - Apache/1.3.24
|Thanks for helping

This might be better done in httpd.conf. See what's going on at
http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/tim19990117.php3 It might be able to
do what you're looking for.


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