assuming you have a table with colors, and each color has car associated with it (yes, there might be dup color entries).
This should work (check spellings and case, etc..etc...)

$query="SELECT * from colors";
$results = mysql_query($query) or die ("DB ERROR:" . mysql_error());
$num = mysql_numrows($results); $i=0;
echo "<script language=javascript>\n<!--\n";
while ($i < $num) {
echo "\n ca[$i] = new Array();";
echo "\n ca[$i][0] = \"" . mysql_result($results,$i,"CarID") . "\";";
echo "\n ca[$i][1] = \"" . mysql_result($results,$i,"ColorID") . "\";";
echo "\n ca[$i][2] = \"" . mysql_result($results,$i,"ColorName") . "\";\n";

echo "
function changeColor(ns)
{    var SelectColor, NumEntries, i;

   for (i = document.form1.selectcolor.length; i > 0; i--)
       document.addform.selectcolor.options[i-1] = null;

document.form1.selectcolor.options[0] = new Option("-- Select Color --",0);
len = 0;
if (ns != "0")
NumEntries = ca.length

for (i = 0; i < NumEntries; i++)
if(ca[i][0] == ns){
document.form1.selectcolor.options[len] = new Option(ca[i][2],ca[i][1]);
document.form1.selectcolor.selectedIndex = 0;

"; echo "\n//-->\n</script>\n";

this in later in the page...

$query="SELECT * from car";
$results = mysql_query($query) or die("<br>ERROR - Please Contact Site Administrator<br>");
$num = mysql_numrows($results); $i=0;
echo "<select onchange='changeColor(this.value);' name='selectcar'><option value='0'>Select Car</option>";
while ($i < $num) {
echo "<option value='$id'>$name</option>";
} echo "</select>";

echo "<select name="selectcolor"><option value='0'>-- Select Color --</option></select>";


Creative Solutions New Media wrote:


I am using mySQL and PHP to pull some data into my page.

I have 2 dropdown boxes.

As an example lets say dropbox1 has a list of cars and dropbox2 has a list
of colours.

Here's the thing.  The colours for each car vary so I won't know what
colours to populate the 2nd dropbox with until a car is chosen.  I really
want this all contained on 1 page.

Is there a standard way of dealing with this?  The only thing I can think of
is to reload the page once the make of car is selected which would give me
the opportunity to populate the 2nd drop box at that time but that doesn't
seem like a good solution.

I don't know much in the way of JS but is there a way to do what I need that


Tim Winters
Manager, Creative Development
Sampling Technologies Incorporated (STI)
W: 902 450 5500
C:  902 430 8498

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