Thanks guys,

In the meantime I also discovered that setting the error reporting level
works, e.g. in

// redefine the user error constants
// set the error reporting level for this script
error_reporting (FATAL | ERROR | WARNING);

the errors are not displayed and can be handled with my own error handler.
The user errors would be PHP generated errors and any other errors (in other
words not FATAL, ERROR or WARNING) are Oracle database errors.

Rudolf Visagie

-----Original Message-----
From: Greig, Euan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 13 March 2001 04:25
To: Hardy Merrill; Rudolf Visagie
Subject: RE: [PHP] Oracle error messages

To suppress the error messages on a single command, you can put an @ in
front of it, eg:

-----Original Message-----
From: Hardy Merrill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 13 March 2001 13:43
To: Rudolf Visagie
Subject: Re: [PHP] Oracle error messages

Rudolf Visagie [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Hi All,
> Does anybody have an idea how to stop the automatic error and warning
> messages from the Oracle data base being displayed on the screen. I want
> do my own error message display but by the time I get the error message
> using OCIError it was already displayed on the screen anyway.

In your php.ini file, you want to set "display_errors = Off", and
"log_errors = On".

> Rudolf Visagie
> -- 
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Hardy Merrill
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