even when youre not online? is the database online or local? another
question is how is the game played in php?

   i take it scripts are being called over and over right? if so then add a
time function to one of those scripts. when gameplay starts load the time to
mysql (or a file) and then everytime the script is run check the time to see
if the time has exceeded 60 minuets, if it has run you php script to load
the data to mysql.

  you could even go the further step and have it check for internet
conection and load to a file if failed, then load file(s) the next time a
internet connection is detected.

"Phpu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
I'm making an online game in php and mysql. Can someone tell me how can I
add records to database every 60 minutes (even when i'm not online)

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