          <?xml version="1.0"?>
                    <title lg="FR">
                            Title 1
                    <Desc lg="FR">
                            Description 1
                    <KeyWords lg="FR">
                            <key>word 1</key>
                            <key>word 2</key>
                            <key>word 3</key>
                    <title lg="EN">
                            Title 1
                    <Desc lg="EN">
                            Description 1
                    <KeyWords lg="EN">
                            <key>word 1</key>
                            <key>word 2</key>
                            Author 1
                            ISBN 1

I want to be able to add, modify and delete book of library.

Can you help me ?

Yes I can help. fopen() library.xml (see http://www.php.net/fopen ) for
writing. Write all of the XML tags from <book> to </book> and
appropriate info to library.xml and then close it. Use the XML functions
(http://www.php.net/xml ) to work with the xml file for parsing.

I think you may be overcomplicating the issue. The XML file is just a
text file. The XML parser allows you to work with the file in a
meaningful way.


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