> That doesn't justify it. This is no different than writing screwed up HTML
> tables that happen to appear as you want in the browser you're testing

GREAT point! Sorry, I didn't realize it was bad form. Just ignorant here -- 
I tried it with an absolule URL and it now works fine. Thanks for the help.


"Chris Shiflett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> --- Sam Folk-Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > The Location: header requires a correctly formed URL
> >
> > It works fine having Location: main.php
> That doesn't justify it. This is no different than writing screwed up HTML
> tables that happen to appear as you want in the browser you're testing
> You never know when your broken code is going to cause problems somewhere,
> you've no one to blame but yourself when they do.
> It's much better for everyone just to do things the right way. The
> header  should be an absolute URL.
> Chris
> =====
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> http://httphandbook.org/

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