I am using Payflow Pro as a payment processor on RedHat Linux and I need to
be able to specify the cert directory so that we can process transactions.
I can make things work with a shell script:

PFPRO_CERT_PATH=/usr/local/ssl/certs;export PFPRO_CERT_PATH
./pfpro test-payflow.verisign.com 443
&PWD=(ourpassword)&ACCT=5105105105105100&ExpDate=1210&AMT=1.00" 10

and the test transaction works fine.


when I use the payflow pro processing functions in PHP, I get the error:

The response: Array ( [RESULT] => -31 [RESPMSG] => The certificate chain did
not validate, no local certificate found )

The reason for this is that I need to set the cert path to go and look for
the  f73e89fd.0 file in my certs directory, and I don't
know how to tell it to look for it.

I've already tried setting the environment variable
PFPRO_CERT_PATH=/usr/local/ssl/certs but that doesn't make a difference.

It doesn't seem to be an option I can set in the config.h file for the
payflow pro SDK that I downloaded.

What's the deal?  Anyone know how to fix this problem?

Yes, I've RTM and STN already.


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