I need to have the contents of $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA because of
non-regular uploads (from browser to my home-made WevDAV server implementation 
(done in PHP)). However, no matter what I
do, it is always NULL. I guess the following script should return
SOMETHING in $HTTP_RAW_POST DATA if "always_populate_raw_post_data = On" is
added to the php.ini file (and yes, I've restarted apache :-)... so, why
is it empty and how can I get the RAW post data? My PHP version is 4.3.2.


<form action="<?echo($PHP_SELF)?>" method="post"> 
<input type="text" value="you-suck"> 
<input type="submit"> 
echo("Raw post data: ".$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA."<br>\n"); 
echo("Raw post data decoded:


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