> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anthony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 9:52 AM
> Subject: [PHP] Best PHP CMS
> I'm just looking for some opinions.  I've been going though 
> sourceforge
> looking at different CMS systems.  There are a lot of really good CMS
> projects out there.  I'm looking for some opinions on the 
> best ones out
> there.  I'm obviously looking at something PHP based and using mySQL
> backend.  Some of the features that I'd like are an easy template
> implementation, blog features, media gallery and something 
> that's easy to
> build custom modules to add features.  So far I'm looking at 
> about 6 CMS
> systems, I like certain things in each of them..... so what's 
> your opinion.
I've looked at these:

Midgard looked good but I couldn't get the admin to work right, and it
requires php-4.2.2 or lower (which drove me a little nuts at first).
It's optimized for php as it's functions are written in C and become
built in php functions with --with-midgard, plus it has a mod_midgard to
link into apache.  Midgard allows lots of customization and you could
place php code just about anywhere.  Runs on *nix only and requires
access to add modules to php and apache.

TikiWiki had lots of cool features.  It looked to me to be more suitable
for a community CMS (baseball team etc) rather than a general CMS. All

There's also GeekLog, with a similar community slant as TikiWiki, and it
was reviewed in last months php-architect magazine. All php.

I agree with what Nick Tabbet said.  Of these 4 CMSs, this one has the
most refined user interface, and most general purpose features.  It's
written in all object oriented php and will easily install on an ISP
hosted system.  Quick setup 1-2-3, and your ready to go.  It does have a
long learning curve, but anything complex does.  Since it's all OO, has
it's own TypoScript code to design content and big, it will really
benefit if run with a php accelerator to cache the intermediate code.
Has good tutorial for getting started, and another good intro to it's
templates.  It's more for small to mid-sized sites, as anything larger
should be written in native C, C++, etc.

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