I have made a simple script to mail an email to a person on my domain. i
have tested the script with different values and i still cannot get the
email. when i execute the mail function, it returns true, so i know it gets
to the mail server, but the mail server doesnt actually send it. i am being
hosted by a company and am sure the mail server is up and working for me. is
there a way i need to feed it a username/password with php? any ideas on why
its not working? im completely stumped.



 $mail_to = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
 $mail_from = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
 $mail_subject = "php mail test";
 $mail_body = "test";

 if ( mail($mail_to, $mail_subject, $mail_body))

Brad Esclavon
(H) 404-875-4561
(C) 404-291-1082

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