Hi all,

I have encountered a "tricky" problem with PHP 4.3.1 (installed with SuSE 8.2).
I don't know if it is a bug or not. Maybe is just me missing something.

What I'd like to do is to pass a reference of "base_class" instance to the
constructor of "second_class" (so that the newly created "second_class" instance can
call methods from the "base_class" instance.
It seems that if "base_class" constructor directly calls its method "create()" (that is
responsible of creating the "second_class" instance, passing _$this_ as constructor
argument) the second_class gets a "copy" of "base_class" instance and not the real thing.

To test it, I have added an array ($arr) in the base_class and set a value into it.
If "second_class" really have a reference to the "real" base_class instance, it should be
able to print its contents, but this just doesn't work.

Please, notice that if in the following code you remove the line "$this->create()"
in the base_class constructor and add the commented line in the main body, everything
works fine.

What I am really missing?

Please, help!



---- CODE STARTS HERE ------------------------------------------
class base_class
        var $arr;
        var $class;

        function base_class ()
                $this->arr = array ();
                $this->class = false;

                // it seems to create another "instance" of base_class
                $this->create ();               // this line does not work

        function set ( $val )
                $this->arr []  = $val;

        function create ()
                $this->class = new second_class ( $this );

        function test ()
                $this->class->dump ();

class second_class
        function second_class ( & $main_class )
                $this->main_class = & $main_class;

        function dump ()
                print_r ( $this->main_class->arr );

$b = new base_class ();
// $b->create ();               // This line works as expected
$b->set ( "ciao" );
$b->test ();
print "<br />";
print_r ( $b->arr );

---- END CODE ---------------------------------------------

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