On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 10:54:58 +0200, you wrote:

>       I want to choose a file at random from a
> directory which adheres to certain naming scheme.
> I can't get it to work. It's probably something
> simple...Here is a relevant snippet:
><img src="/szukaj/images/i
>echo mt_rand(0, count(glob('i*.gif', GLOB_NOSORT)) - 1); 

Wrapping the glob() in the count() is just throwing away the filenames. Try
something more like this.

$names = glob('i*.gif', GLOB_NOSORT);
if (sizeof ($names))
        $offset = mt_rand (0, sizeof ($names));
        $name = $names[$offset];
} else {
        $name = 'not found';
echo ($name);

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