
I managed to dowlonad php-4.2.2.tar.gz and uncompress it into /usr/local/php4.2.2. (I'm so proud of my self!) lol

Also, I downloaded fdftkv5 and installed it following the instructions at (by mirage at rateaprof dot com)

Copy/pasted configuration commands from phpinfo() to bluefish, replace "'" for "" (nothing), added --with-fdftk=/usr/local to them.

Copy again to terminal, and:

configure: error: Fdftk.h not found, please install it again.

Any ideas?


Jay Blanchard wrote:

Thanks for your help. I have only one question for you... Where is the "PHP directory (where the php library files are)" ...

Well, unfortunately I cannot answer that for sure, but it is usually
something like /usr/local/php-4.x.x or something like that

Good luck and may all your compiles come true.

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