Have you done some testing with NOT converting the HTML within the textarea with htmlspecialchars() -- does it work for all cases where a </textarea> does not exist?

If so, then consider NOT doing it, and instead solving the problem of a </textarea> within the textarea. possible solutions may include:

1. not allowing such tags

2. just converting the problem tag to entities, rather than the whole string with
then converting it back with

This way, all other tags, entities and whatever are preserved.

Just a suggestion -- it's 2am here, so I'm sure there are other ways!


On Saturday, August 9, 2003, at 01:13 AM, Thaddeus J. Quintin wrote:

I'm working on a site where users have the option to type HTML code into a textarea, or upload HTML code from a local file which is then displayed in the text area.

The obvious problem is that an uploaded file that contains a closing tag for a textarea can wreak havoc and eat up the rest of the page. So, in order to get it to display properly, I called htmlspecialchars() on the string and that works fine.

After any editing has been done, I can convert the text back using html_entity_decode(). This seems to be a decent solution to the problem.

However, if the user has included htmlentities in their code, won't these get converted when I call the decode function? Even something simple like using a '<' symbol for a little arrow. This would need to remain a '&lt;' and not get converted when html_entity_decode() is called.

Anybody dealt with something along these lines before or have some idea of a good solution?


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