I am thinking of making a program for  personal use which does a very simple
thing, just displays listings under categories,
under main category "Auto" there would be "cars","bikes" etc
under "banking" there would be "financing","loans" etc (I as admin create
master and sub-categories)

then if you click on "cars" you would either see a sub category or all the
listings there

I have never done a project like this so am a bit confused but I am pretty
sure quite a few of you must have done this because its a bit common on the
net and while I am kind of new to php, most of you guys are fossils :-D

So far the logic I have worked out is:
Create a "master_category" table for the main categories, a "child_table"
for the subs, a "the_listings" table for the details which will have a
reference (number or word) field which will be to keep a reference as to
which category/sub-category it belongs to..

Tell me if my logic is wrong or I missed anything

The part where I am confused is, on the front page (say index.php) how do I
display all the categories and sub categories in the correct order?




--Boring but REALLY good looking
--Great fun but not-so-good-looking

Any ideas? I searched hotscripts and google but found crappy programs like
phpyellow and zclassifieds which are really no good to me. If you know of
something that already does the above kindly share it with me.


The government announced today that it is changing it's emblem to a condom
because it more clearly reflects the government's political stance. A condom
stands up to inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation,
protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're
actually getting screwed.

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