function secure_string($unsafe_string, $max_length)
error("Variable max_length is not an integer." );

if (strlen($unsafe_string) > $max_length)
error("Too many characters.");

I want the $max_length to be optional. With your solution it isn't? I thought I could make it optional by assigning a default value of -1, which would tell the function not to bother with max_length and continue the execution.

All in all my function looks like this (crossing my fingers and hopes that linewrap works this time):

function secure_string($unsafe_string, $max_length = -1, $errormessage = "Du har skrivit för många tecken.")
// verify that string isn't longer then $max_length, if $max_length is set
if ($max_length > -1)
if (!is_int($max_length))
error("Variabeln max_length är inte en siffra.");
if (strlen($unsafe_string) > $max_length)
// create array containing bad words
$badwords = array(";","--","select","drop","insert","xp_","delete");
$goodwords = array(":","-","choose","leave","add"," ","remove");
// check for occurences of $badwords
for($i=0; $i<7; $i++)
$unsafe_string = str_replace("$badwords[$i]", "$goodwords[$i]","$unsafe_string");
$unsafe_string = AddSlashes($unsafe_string);
$unsafe_string = htmlentities($unsafe_string);
$unsafe_string = strip_tags($unsafe_string);
$unsafe_string = trim($unsafe_string);
Return $unsafe_string;

Are the last steps (AddSlashes through trim) overkill? I want to make it safe for mysql.

anders thoresson

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