At 2003-08-15 09:31 -0700, Chris W. Parker wrote:
>Hello eveyone.
>I want to upgrade my php install from 4.2.2 to 4.3.2. I'm pretty new to
>linux so I don't know how to install from source and I haven't been able
>to find any Redhat 8 rpm's.
>Can someone please give me instructions as to what I should do? (Maybe
>links to a site where I can find the correct rpm file or instructions on
>how to install a new version of php from source.. etc.)

I have just upgraded my (Mandrake) system by doing:
- Upgrading from Mandrake 9.0 to 9.1 using the CD's
  that came with the UK Linux Format magazine of
  june 2003:
- Then I installed the Apache Source version 2.0.45
  from the CD-ROM that came with PHP Magazine 4.2003
  and I compiled it, which went very smoothly
- Then I installed the PHP Source version 4.3.2
  from the same CD-ROM and compiled it. (Which
  takes more tinkering.)

The complete process took a while, especially because
I first tried to install from binaries, but it works
very well now, including a GD that supports true color
images etc.

I'm not saying that I think that Mandrake is currently
better than RedHat, but when I switched from Redhat
(5.2 or 6?) to Mandrake 7.2 (?) some years ago it's
installation process was even simpler than that of
RedHat (on which it is based).

In my experience it's a lot of work to upgrade all the
libraries by hand, because they are much too interdependent
and hard to locate on the WWW.

Some tips:
- Install Apache and PHP from source.
- Reboot your computer from time to time between installing
  things and changing .ini and .conf files, just restarting
  Apache is sometimes not enough it seems.
- Put a personal readme file in each directory, describing
  what you did to get things working. (This will help a lot
  next time.)

BTW. There is a separate mailing list about installing PHP.
You'd better ask there and look in it's archive etc.


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