At 2003-08-16 14:35 +0200, J-K wrote:
>I've made a little script to make thumbnails which worked before the
>summer, but now I get this errormessage:
><b>Fatal error</b>:  Call to undefined function:
>imagecreatefromjpeg() in
><b>/usr/local/others/www.stud.users/mark/gfx/create_tn.php</b> on line
>First I thought they had done something with the servers, because I
>haven't touched the code. But I checked the GD-version and got this:
>      GD Version: bundled (2.0.12 compatible)
>      Shouldn't version 2.0.12 support imagecreatefromjpeg()?

Only when jpeg support has been compiled into
the PHP version that is running on your system.
It doesn't seem to be.

>Is there any way I can get around this?

Try if png support is enabled. But you'd have
to convert your jpeg's I guess and png's are
probably much bigger because they are
non-lossy (?). But it depends on your images
being photo-like and not drawing-like.

Otherwise you'll have to ask your system
manager to fix the problem.

BTW. you shouldn't indent paragraphs in emails,
because it makes quoting them very messy, or
the person answering your mail has to edit out
the indentations (as I have done above).


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