On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 08:03:25 -0400, you wrote:

>How do I remove empty array values?

That could mean a lot of things. I'm going to assume you have a simple
indexed array and want to remove any entries where array[index] == FALSE,
and reindex the array.

The most elegant way is to copy all the values you want to keep to a new

$a = array(FALSE, 2, 3, FALSE, 5, FALSE, 7, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
$b = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($a); $i++)
    if ($a[$i] !== FALSE)
        $b[] = $a[$i];
$a = $b;
print_r ($a);

If you don't want to reindex the array, you could use unset()

$a = array(FALSE, 2, 3, FALSE, 5, FALSE, 7, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($a); $i++)
    if ($a[$i] === FALSE)
        unset ($a[$i]);
print_r ($a);

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