i have a simple solutions for paging a large query result into pages.
format your SQL Query like this and it will work
if (empty($nCurrentPage))
$tablename="tblusers"; // table from where the data is comming from
$fieldtosorton="user_name"; //    a field on wich you want to sort the result returned
$where="user_enabled=1";        // any where clause
$strQuery="SELECT TOP ".$nTotal_No_Of_Results_Shown_On_A_Page." * FROM $tablename WHERE $fieldtosorton NOT IN (SELECT TOP " .($nTotal_No_Of_Results_Shown_On_A_Page * ($nCurrentPage -1)) ." ".$fieldtosorton." FROM ".$tablename." WHERE $where ORDER BY ".$fieldtosorton.") ".$where." ORDER BY ".$fieldtosorton;
this query will give you just the result that you want to show on the current page. all you have to do is maintain $nCurrentPage. if you change the query slightly you can get the total no of records and when you get total no of records then you can also get total no of pages.
-------Original Message-------
Date: Saturday, August 23, 2003 01:00:49 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] google style paginating
On Thu, 21 Aug 2003, Ted Conn wrote:
> Hi I am new to this newsgroup and I plan on replying to all the posts I can
> for now... but Id like to start out by asking a question. I am trying to
> paginate my sql results in 10 by 10, which I have been able to do no
> problem. but what I want to do is have the pages layed out in google style
> with (1)(2)(3)(4) etc etc and each one is clickeable that will take you to
> that page. I'll show you the code I am using now for next and back
> buttons...
  You might want to check Page and Pager_Sliding classes in PEAR:
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