* Thus wrote David Otton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 14:54:41 -0400 (EDT), you wrote:
> >I'm building a small web application for a friend using PHP. He'd like to
> >use MS Access to keep the data in, and update the data on the site by FTP'ing 
> Suggestion: go backwards. Set up the data in, say, MySQL with an ODBC
> driver, and use Access as a front-end onto that data (Access makes a good
> front-end for manipulating other databases). I've done this with SQL Server,
> but it should be possible with anything that can talk ODBC.

I would  also suggest this. Basically you create a MS Access on his
computer and link (with odbc) mysql tables into the MS Access.

The only problem I forsee is granting remote access to the server.
Seeing that this is on a verio machine, I doubt they'll allow
access remotely. Perhaps there is a chance if your friend has a
static ip.

> Either that or export the data from Access in a readable format, and import
> it at the other end.

Yep, and this would be my alternative :)  Using CSV files of

"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

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